

(+34) 985 79 24 27

Frequently Asked Questions

Learn more about Meres International School

Below you will find answers to the most common queries that arise when searching for a new school. At Meres International School, we value transparency and understand the importance of effective communication with families. If you have any questions that are not addressed here, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us. We are here to help.

General Information

  • Where is Meres International School located?
    Our school is located in Meres, Asturias, an exceptional environment that promotes the learning and integral growth of our students.

  • How long does it take by car from Gijón, Oviedo, and Avilés?
    From Gijón: The car journey takes approximately 25 minutes. From Oviedo: It takes around 20 minutes by car. From Avilés: The estimated travel time by car is about 30 minutes.

  • What are our school hours?
    All our students start classes at 9:00 am and finish at 5:00 pm. In 1st year of High School, students have one afternoon where the bus picks them up after lunch at 2:30 pm. In 2nd year of High School, this happens on two afternoons a week.

  • Do we have our own kitchen or catering service?
    We have our own kitchen, where healthy and balanced meals are prepared for our students.

Educational Model

  • What curriculum do we follow?
    We follow the Spanish national curriculum and the methodology of international programs as we are accredited as an IB World School from Early Years to High School.

  • What is our distinctive approach to Physical Education?
    At Meres International School, Physical Education is holistically integrated into the curriculum, making use of our extensive and privileged facilities. Through varied sports activities tailored to their needs, we promote the physical, emotional, and social development of our students.

  • What language certifications do we offer at the school?
    All our students are examined every 2 years for language certifications in English and French. For English, we work with Cambridge Certificate, and for French, with DELF. Typically, students achieve a C1 level in English and a B2 level in French upon completing their studies at the school.


  • Is it necessary for children to be toilet trained before starting?
    No, it is not necessary for children to be toilet trained before starting in Pre-School and Early Years.

  • Do we need to buy the school uniform?
    Yes, the school uniform is mandatory for all students and must be purchased before the start of classes.

Book a Private Tour

Discover Meres International School

Begin a unique educational journey

An education based on values where we care about the person, their development and their social and emotional intelligence.

6–12 years old


12–16 years old


16–18 years old

Next Steps

Learn more. Download our prospectus.

Colegio Internacional Meres