

(+34) 985 79 24 27

Mission & Values

Sharing values, as a foundation to education

Our students are part of an international learning community. Their success, motivation and happiness are key to developing personal and emotional skills that allow them to connect in today's world and society.

Our mission is to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who are engaged citizens of the world.

Educating in skills and values

We integrate the profile of the IBO learning community into our education model

Motivation and effort

In a happy environment of trust, our students develop work habits that make them feel confident and persevere in their goals.

Organisation and discipline

Respect for people, the environment and the school rules are essential in our organisation. Consistency in organisation and discipline gets results.

Responsible and reflective thinkers

At all stages, our students develop research skills and use critical and creative thinking skills. Knowing and understanding their strengths and weaknesses help them to advance in their personal development.

Physically, mentally and emotionally balanced

Each aspect of a person is important for their own well-being and that of others. We learn with and from the group.

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Discover Meres International School

Begin a unique educational journey

An education based on values where we care about the person, their development and their social and emotional intelligence.

6–12 years old


12–16 years old


16–18 years old

Next steps

Learn more. Download our prospectus.

Colegio Internacional Meres

Admissions : Admisiones (+34) 985 79 24 27