

(+34) 985 79 24 27

Welcome to Meres International School

Founded in 1966, Meres International School is the only private Asturian centre accredited as an official international school by the IBO (International Baccalaureate Organization), one of the first in Spain to achieve this.

Our model of academic and educational excellence is aimed at girls and boys from 3 to 18 years old, based on the promotion of critical thinking, self-discipline and teamwork to train multidisciplinary, global and resilient students and people.

Our Educational Model

We believe in critical thinking, self-discipline and teamwork as the basis of an inspiring education for our students. Our top quality teaching staff foster their motivation, making our pupils responsible for their own learning and seeking success.

Academic Excellence

Average of 11.74 in the EBAU 2024, with 23.67% of students scoring 13 or higher, including the highest mark in Asturias (14). In languages, we surpassed the regional average in English and French by 1.73 points.

IB World School

Being an IB World School means being part of a community of more than 5,000 schools around the world. We deliver the IB program to help create a better and more peaceful world, within a framework of mutual understanding and intercultural respect.

Mission & Values

Our mission is to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who are engaged citizens of the world.

Meet our Headteacher, Luis Carlos Jiménez

"From the moment you enter Meres International School for the first time, you realise that you have entered a special place."

Luis Carlos Jiménez, Headteacher

Meres Infographic

Meres International School has high academic standards, a calm, pleasant atmosphere and involved teachers who care about getting to know and understand my child.

– Parent

A privileged environment, surrounded by nature

Meres International School is located in Meres, Asturias in a natural environment, characterized by its large, light-filled spaces.

With more than 150,000 square meters of sports facilities and 9,000 square meters of classrooms and learning spaces, students develop their full academic and personal potential.

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✨ El martes fue un día muy especial en el Colegio Internacional Meres. Entregamos los certificados de idiomas a más de 700 alumnos que, con esfuerzo y constancia, han logrado alcanzar niveles destacados en inglés y francés.

En Meres, acompañamos a nuestros estudiantes desde sus primeros pasos hasta su último curso, acreditando sus conocimientos con certificaciones oficiales como el Cambridge Certificate y el DELF. ¡Todo un orgullo para nuestra comunidad educativa!

Este logro no solo refleja el trabajo de los alumnos, sino también el apoyo constante de sus familias y el compromiso de todo el equipo docente. 💛

¡Enhorabuena a todos! Juntos seguimos construyendo un futuro lleno de posibilidades. 🌍📚


✨ On Tuesday was a very special day at Colegio Internacional Meres. We awarded language certificates to over 700 students who, through effort and dedication, achieved outstanding levels in English and French.

At Meres, we support our students from their first steps to their final year, certifying their knowledge with official qualifications such as the Cambridge Certificate and DELF. A true source of pride for our educational community!

This achievement reflects not only the hard work of the students but also the constant support of their families and the commitment of our entire teaching team. 💛

Congratulations to everyone! Together, we continue building a future full of possibilities. 🌍📚
¿Todavía no conoces nuestro nuevo servicio para los más madrugadores?☀️🍽️

Somos conscientes de que muchos padres y madres tienen horarios laborales que implican levantarse y salir de casa muy temprano.

Si te sientes identificado/a, esto puede resultarte interesante.

Para hacerte la vida más fácil y cómoda, te ofrecemos este nuevo servicio en el que podrás dejar a tus hijos a las 8 de la mañana con la tranquilidad de que estarán en un lugar seguro y donde recibirán un desayuno avalado por nuestros nutricionistas.

➡️Inscripciones :
🎥 En el Colegio Internacional Meres, las clases de inmersión lingüística van en dos direcciones. Esta vez, Mía, desde EE.UU., y Darya, desde Rusia, nos llevan a conocer no solo su inglés, sino también un pedacito de su cultura. 🇺🇸🇷🇺

Nuestra profe Lucía adapta las clases según el nivel de cada alumno, desde principiantes hasta avanzados. Y aquí, además de la gramática española, hacemos actividades para aprender sobre sus países. 🌍 Un espacio donde compartir tradiciones y formas de vida, cruzando fronteras sin salir del aula.


🎥 At Colegio Internacional Meres, our language immersion classes go both ways. This time, Mía from the USA and Darya from Russia are here to show us not only their English skills but also a glimpse into their own cultures. 🇺🇸🇷🇺

Our teacher Lucía tailors the lessons to each student’s level, from beginners to advanced. And here, along with Spanish grammar, we dive into activities to learn about each other’s countries. 🌍 A space where we share traditions and ways of life, crossing borders without leaving the classroom.
📚✨ Bea, nuestra maestra de infantil, nos cuenta por qué el libro “De mayor quiero ser feliz” es uno de sus imprescindibles en el aula. Con sus enseñanzas, este libro ayuda a los más pequeños a entender la importancia de la autoestima, la empatía y el bienestar emocional desde una edad temprana. 💛

¡Un gran recurso para sembrar en nuestros peques el deseo de crecer felices y seguros! 🌱💫

#EducaciónEmocional #DeMayorQuieroSerFeliz #ColegioMeres #LecturasImprescindibles #Infantil

📚✨ Bea, our preschool teacher, shares why the book “When I Grow Up, I Want to Be Happy” is one of her must-haves in the classroom. Through its teachings, this book helps young children understand the importance of self-esteem, empathy, and emotional well-being from an early age. 💛

A wonderful resource to inspire our little ones to grow up feeling happy and confident! 🌱💫

#EmotionalEducation #WhenIGrowUpIWantToBeHappy #ColegioMeres #MustRead #Preschool

Begin a unique educational journey

An education based on values where we care about the person, their development and their social and emotional intelligence.

6–12 years old


12–16 years old


16–18 years old

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Next steps

Learn more. Download our prospectus.

Colegio Internacional Meres