

(+34) 985 79 24 27

Welcome to Meres International School

Founded in 1966, Meres International School is the only private Asturian centre accredited as an official international school by the IBO (International Baccalaureate Organization), one of the first in Spain to achieve this.

Our model of academic and educational excellence is aimed at girls and boys from 3 to 18 years old, based on the promotion of critical thinking, self-discipline and teamwork to train multidisciplinary, global and resilient students and people.

Our Educational Model

We believe in critical thinking, self-discipline and teamwork as the basis of an inspiring education for our students. Our top quality teaching staff foster their motivation, making our pupils responsible for their own learning and seeking success.

Academic Excellence

Average of 11.74 in the EBAU 2024, with 23.67% of students scoring 13 or higher, including the highest mark in Asturias (14). In languages, we surpassed the regional average in English and French by 1.73 points.

IB World School

Being an IB World School means being part of a community of more than 5,000 schools around the world. We deliver the IB program to help create a better and more peaceful world, within a framework of mutual understanding and intercultural respect.

Mission & Values

Our mission is to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who are engaged citizens of the world.

Meet our Headteacher, Luis Carlos Jiménez

"From the moment you enter Meres International School for the first time, you realise that you have entered a special place."

Luis Carlos Jiménez, Headteacher

Meres Infographic

Meres International School has high academic standards, a calm, pleasant atmosphere and involved teachers who care about getting to know and understand my child.

– Parent

A privileged environment, surrounded by nature

Meres International School is located in Meres, Asturias in a natural environment, characterized by its large, light-filled spaces.

With more than 150,000 square meters of sports facilities and 9,000 square meters of classrooms and learning spaces, students develop their full academic and personal potential.

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🏆✨ ¡Somos noticia! ✨🏆

Estamos muy orgullosos de anunciar que nuestro colegio ha sido reconocido como uno de los mejores de España en varios rankings nacionales:

✅ Nº 14 de los mejores colegios de España con una puntuación de 95 sobre 100 según el periódico El Mundo (¡el primero tiene 97!).
✅ Entre los 50 mejores colegios de España según la prestigiosa revista Forbes.
✅ Posición 11 en el ranking de El Español.
✅ Entre los 100 mejores según el periódico ABC.

Estos reconocimientos reflejan el esfuerzo, la dedicación y la pasión de todo nuestro equipo educativo, los alumnos y las familias que forman parte de esta gran comunidad. ¡Gracias por acompañarnos en este camino! 💙💛

#ColegioMeres #ExcelenciaEducativa #OrgulloMeres #MejoresColegios #CompromisoYCalidad


🏆✨ We’re making headlines! ✨🏆

We’re incredibly proud to announce that our school has been recognized as one of the best in Spain in several national rankings:

✅ Ranked 14th among the best schools in Spain with a score of 95 out of 100 according to El Mundo (the top school scored 97!).
✅ Among the top 50 schools in Spain according to the prestigious Forbes magazine.
✅ 11th position in the ranking by El Español.
✅ Among the top 100 according to ABC newspaper.

These recognitions reflect the hard work, dedication, and passion of our entire educational team, students, and families who are part of this amazing community. Thank you for being part of this journey! 💙💛

#ColegioMeres #EducationalExcellence #ProudToBeMeres #TopSchools #CommitmentAndQuality
🎾🔥 ¡Toda la fuerza para Carla en el Premier Pádel! 🔥🎾

Nuestra alumna de 4º ESO, Carla, ha sido llamada para competir en el Premier Pádel que se juega esta semana en Gijón, ¡la máxima competición de pádel a nivel internacional!

Además, es la primera vez en la historia en la que dos jugadoras de 15 años entran a este torneo. ¡Carla está haciendo historia y no podemos estar más orgullosos de ella!

¡Todo el ánimo del Colegio Meres está contigo! 💪🏽✨

#ColegioMeres #PremierPádel #OrgulloMeres #Gijón #DeporteJuvenil #HaciendoHistoria #VamosCarla #PasiónPorElDeporte #somosmeres 


🎾🔥 All the strength to Carla at the Premier Pádel! 🔥🎾

Our 4th ESO student, Carla, has been called to compete in the Premier Pádel taking place this week in Gijón, the highest level of pádel competition internationally!

Moreover, it’s the first time in history that two 15-year-old players are entering this tournament. Carla is making history, and we couldn’t be prouder of her!

All the support from Colegio Meres is with you! 💪🏽✨

#ColegioMeres #PremierPádel #MeresPride #Gijón #YouthSports #MakingHistory #GoCarla #PassionForSports #WeAreMeres
🎥✨ **¡Hasta pronto, Luisa!** 🇫🇷💖 

Hoy despedimos a una de las sonrisas más queridas del Colegio Internacional Meres. Luisa, nuestra profesora de francés, cierra su capítulo después de **36 años** llenando las aulas de risas, buen humor y mucho cariño. 📚🎈 

Sus clases no eran solo lecciones de idioma; eran momentos para disfrutar aprendiendo, para reír sin reservas y para ver la vida con alegría. Todos la recordarán por su risa contagiosa y su manera única de hacer que el aprendizaje fuera siempre divertido y lleno de aventuras. 

Gracias, Luisa, por cada sonrisa compartida y por tantos recuerdos inolvidables. ¡Te llevas una parte de nuestros corazones! 🌟❤️ 

#GraciasLuisa #SiempreSonriente #FamiliaMeres #LegadoDeAlegría #SiempreMeres 


🎥✨ **Au Revoir, Luisa !** 🇫🇷💖 

Aujourd’hui, nous disons “à bientôt” à l’un des sourires les plus aimés du Colegio Internacional Meres. Luisa, notre professeure de français, clôt son chapitre après **36 ans** à remplir les salles de classe de rires, de bonne humeur et de beaucoup d’affection. 📚🎈 

Ses cours n’étaient pas seulement des leçons de langue ; ils apprenaient à prendre plaisir à apprendre, à rire sans retenue et à voir la vie avec joie. Tous se souviendront d’elle pour son rire contagieux et sa manière unique de rendre l’apprentissage toujours amusant et plein d’aventures. 

Merci, Luisa, pour chaque sourire partagé et pour tant de souvenirs inoubliables. Tu emportes avec toi une partie de nos cœurs ! 🌟❤️ 

#MerciLuisa #ToujoursSouriante #FamilleMeres #HéritageDeJoie #ToujoursMeres

Begin a unique educational journey

An education based on values where we care about the person, their development and their social and emotional intelligence.

6–12 years old


12–16 years old


16–18 years old

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Make an Enquiry.

Next steps

Frequent Asked Questions

Colegio Internacional Meres offers a comprehensive education in a multicultural and bilingual environment, making it one of the best schools in Asturias. We stand out for our personalised approach to the academic and emotional development of each student, our modern facilities and our highly qualified teaching staff. In addition, our public school has an educational community committed to excellence and the all-round development of our students. Translated with (free version)
It is the only public school in Asturias accredited by the International Baccalaureate Organisation (IBO), which allows it to offer IB programmes that are recognised worldwide. They offer a multilingual education, with a strong emphasis on English and French, surpassing the regional average in these languages. They foster an international and multicultural mindset, preparing students to be engaged global citizens who are respectful of cultural diversity.
The admissions process at Meres International School is designed to identify students who are best suited to our educational model. To begin the process, parents must complete an application form on our website. This is followed by an interview with the parents and student, followed by an academic assessment. As part of a school in Asturias committed to educational excellence, we are looking for motivated students with high academic potential.
At Colegio Internacional Meres, the international curriculum is integrated into all stages of education, from infant to secondary. Our educational approach combines the Spanish national curriculum with IBO elements, providing our students with a high quality global education.
At Meres International School, we believe in comprehensive support for our students, both academically and emotionally. We offer personalised tutoring, academic guidance programmes, and access to a counselling team to ensure the well-being of all students. As a public school and international school, we are committed to providing a positive learning environment where each student can reach their full potential.

Learn more. Download our prospectus.

Colegio Internacional Meres

Admissions : Admisiones (+34) 985 79 24 27