

(+34) 985 79 24 27

Thrive in a rapidly evolving world

Cognita schools provide a uniquely global education

We are a diverse global community of over 100 schools across five regions, teaching over 85,000 students. Each school is unique with their own distinctive character and identity, but we are united by one common purpose: to enable our students to thrive in a rapidly evolving world.

We do this by providing an outstanding holistic education filled with rich and varied experiences that focus on social, emotional, physical and cognitive learning. This results in excellent academic outcomes alongside developing the agency, adaptability and positive attitudes that are needed to become responsible global citizens who can look after the wellbeing of themselves and others.

Academic Excellence

Continuous improvement is at the heart of the Cognita Way

Our Global Education Team comprises of leaders based in each of Cognita’s four global regions and together they utilise evidence – from within our group as well as external sources – to drive outstanding educational practice across all our schools.

Our global diversity fuels our innovation. A key benefit of being part of the global Cognita family is the opportunity to connect and collaborate with peers across the world.

For example, our partnership with University College London (UCL) sees teachers undertake research projects linked to personalising learning for students. This work has a high impact on student progress and agency.


Wellbeing is the foundation of a Cognita education

Across our global schools family there is a culture of wellbeing that truly lives and breathes. One area we’re pioneering is the use of data and analytics to facilitate more robust and specific wellbeing interventions for our students.

Complementing the strong emphasis on pastoral care in school, we’re developing our use of tools to track key indicators associated with children’s wellbeing – proactively identifying issues students may face.

Meanwhile, Cognita’s annual Global Be Well Day each September sees Meres International School join together with all other Cognita schools to collapse the curriculum for an entire day to focus solely on wellbeing.

For families, Cognita regularly produces high-quality resources such as the Be Well Comments series on issues like sleep and screen time.


Cognita is a global system of schools

Each Cognita school offers a distinctive curriculum and approach, tailored to the individual context.

Group-wide policies and expectations are set by the parent company (Cognita Holdings Ltd.). These policies and expectations relate to standards for student safeguarding, health & safety, financial management, data protection, as well as governance and responsibility for operational oversight of the regions (which is devolved to the regional chief executive officer).

Governance oversight of student safeguarding and health & safety is executed through the deployment of independent reviewers. The Group expects each school to ensure clear systems for listening to and responding to members of the school community, this includes use of annual Voice of the Student, Parent and Employee surveys.

Cognita has four Group Senior Executives:
  • Group Chief Executive Officer

  • Group Chief Finance Officer

  • Group Chief Education Officer

  • Group General Counsel

Cognita, headquartered in London, governs and manages each school via one of four regions. Each region has its own chief executive officer and regional team. Responsibility for operational oversight and governance of schools is devolved from the parent company to the regional chief executive officer. Each region has published documents that provide clarity for the delegated governance relationship between their regional team and their schools. The regional chief executive officer is accountable to the group chief executive.

Each Head of School is accountable to the Regional Chief Executive Officer.

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Discover Meres International School

Begin a unique educational journey

An education based on values where we care about the person, their development and their social and emotional intelligence.

6–12 years old


12–16 years old


16–18 years old

Next steps

Learn more. Download our prospectus.

Colegio Internacional Meres

Admissions : Admisiones (+34) 985 79 24 27